Friday, October 24, 2008

Photoshop Scares Me

I have always wanted to learn photoshop. I am trying to become more knowledgable of my amazing camera and photography so that I can take amazing pictures. For my birthday (in May) I got Photoshop Elements 6, a program just for photography. It can do so much, yet isn't as complicated or expensive as Photshop Creative Suite. Even with it's more "user friendly" features I was still very intimidated by it, even avoiding using it. I downloaded the software and didn't anything else with it...Unitl now. I have finally decided to conquer my fears and try using Photoshop. Here is my first "creation".
Not too bad, ay? There is still so much to learn, I can already see improvements I can make, but I have to start somewhere!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Not-So-Great Haircuts

Okay, so about 5 weeks ago I went for it and cut my hair short again. I got this really cute "rocker" cut. It looked really cute and I loved it. Well, my hair grows really quickly and it was time for a trim/re-shape. I thought the girl who was cutting my hair was clear on what she had done before and how I wanted ot change it up just a little. I walked out with a completely different haircut. It is no longer retro, rocker and cool. It is now very "momish". In fact, before leaving, one of the other stylists said it looked like Kate's from "John and Kate plus 8". How much more "momish" can you get. I know it will grow out, and with as quickly as my hair grows it will look better in no time. It's not that it looks bad, it's a cute haircut, just not what I wanted. Oh well, maybe we'll get it right next time.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Do I really have time for this...

A friend of mine recommended blogging as way to get back into writing. We will see. I love to write, but haven't done it in so long. With so many things requiring my attention will this become another distraction. I will keep it to myself for now and not tell anyone I'm doing this. Well, Caleb is crying and I must go get him.